Traffic and Circulation

Simple improvements to the existing circulation and signage at Pinecrest Lake will reduce impacts on the natural environment and conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians as well as improving the quality of the user’s experience at Pinecrest.

Specific recommendations for improving the circulation and reducing congestion at the Boat Ramp area, the intersection of Pinecrest Lake Road and Lakeshore Drive and the intersection of Lakeshore Drive and Rustic Avenue are described below and correspond to the areas identified on the accompanying maps.


Boat Ramp Area

The layout of the Boat Ramp and staging area will be modified to include two stalls for vehicles with boats in trailers to prepare for launching. This is in addition to the current area available for stacking. In addition, one stall is provided for boats to use immediately after launching and/or loading to secure any items prior to proceeding to the Vehicle with Trailer parking area described or exiting the recreation area. This will reduce congestion in the boat launch area. An accessible space for a vehicle with trailer is also provided in this area along with an ADA accessible route to an ADA accessible floating dock.


Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) and the Stanislaus National Forest Summit Ranger District (USFS)

Joint Management of Pinecrest Lake

Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) and the Stanislaus National Forest (STF) jointly manage Pinecrest Lake reservoir.
Click here to learn more. 
